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Forest School
Forest School is a unique educational experience and process that offers children the opportunity to succeed and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland environment.
Forest School provides opportunities for the children to engage with nature, learn new skills and discover the world through outdoor play. It has a holistic approach to child development and learning therefore having a positive impact on the child as a whole.
Within Forest Schools, the learning is child led with the child being intrinsically motivated, learning to take and manage risks to further their own development and learning.
Children engage in motivating and achievable tasks and activities throughout the year and in almost all weathers, with the appropriate footwear and clothing. They will work with tools, play, learn and develop their understanding of boundaries of behaviour, both physical and social and grow in confidence, self- esteem and motivation whilst developing an understanding of the natural world.
The Forest School concept originates in Denmark, originally aimed at pre-school children, where it was found that children who had attended forest school then arrived at school with strong social and communication skills, having the ability to work in groups effectively, generally had high self-esteem and a confidence in their own abilities. These foundations helped them to raise their academic achievements.
A Forest School encourages children to:
- develop personal and social skills
- work through practical problems and challenges
- use tools to create, build or manage
- discover how they learn best
- pursue knowledge that interests them
- learn how to manage failures
- build confidence in decision making and evaluating risk
- develop practical skills
- understand the benefits of a balanced and healthy lifestyle
- explore connections between humans, wildlife and the earth
- regularly experience achievement and success
- reflect on learning and experiences
- develop language and communication skills
- improve physical motor skills
- become more motivated
- improve concentration skills
- improve working as a team
- explore the world through all the senses available to them.
“Most adults, when challenged about a favourite experience from childhood, will recall outdoor experiences as being those most memorable and enjoyable. It has always been a deep personally held belief that children’s learning in the outdoors is arguably most effective, because they recognise purpose and enjoy involvement in a more natural environment.” (Sage, S. 2011)
Typically, small groups of individuals (depending on child/adult ratio 1:8) take part in a programme of six weekly sessions lasting between 60 & 90 minutes. The sessions involve practical hands-on activities which aim to build up the children’s skills, abilities and confidence week by week. All sessions are designed and led by our trained Forest School Leader, with support from Teaching Assistants. However, Forest School strongly encourages child-led learning, so as the weeks progress, children are given more freedom and responsibility to explore their interests and therefore initiate and direct their own learning.
Forest School uses natural resources to stimulate imagination, creativity and investigation. Activities can include:
- Shelter building
- Natural art
- Using knots and lashings
- Fire lighting
- Animal tracking
- Bug hunts
- Tree investigations & Plant identification
- Climbing and balancing
- Woodwork using tools, e.g. making musical instruments, jewellery, decorative items
- Creating bug homes and bird feeders
- Collecting, identifying and sorting natural materials such as leaves
- Team games.
“Forest School aims to promote the holistic development of all those involved, fostering resilient, confident, independent and creative learners.” (Doyle & Milchem 2012)
Forest School has the unique ability to provide an environment where there are opportunities for children to succeed and achieve goals that they have personally set. This positive reinforcement of success helps to boost self confidence and self-esteem, resulting in children who are confident, resilient and excellent problem solvers. A more positive approach and outlook to their own learning is then transferred to the classroom where they can be more motivated, have improved concentration and be more willing to take risks in their own learning.
Forest School can also:
- Develop physical abilities and help children to stay active and healthy.
- Heighten self-awareness and improve emotional and social skills.
- Provide opportunities to take managed risks.
- Promote co-operative and group working.
- Encourage children to take care of themselves and others.
- Foster care, appreciation and respect for wildlife and wild places.
- Broaden knowledge and understanding of the natural world.
This is our Code of Conduct for Forest School.